Industry Experts
Our expert provides all your required technologies needs imperitve in today's ever-changing technology landscape.
24/7 Support
Fortray on-site, technical and remote support services are available 24 hours, 7 days a week to ensure our customer's success.
Flexible Contract
With our 30 days rolling contract you are free to continue for a long run if you are satisfied with fortray services
Response Time
Fortray skilled professionals are ready to take any IT challenges under 60 sec via email, phone or helpdesk portal.

Pioneering IT Services
for a Digital Future.

Fortray Global Services Limited is a UK based IT solutions company with over a decade of experi-ence. We specialize in Managed IT, Cloud Services, Security, and more. Our customer-focused approach ensures reliable, tailored solutions for business excellence.
Seasoned Professionals with Proven Track Record
Dependable Solutions for Uninterrupted Operations
Cutting-Edge Technology for Future-Ready Businesses
Tailored Services to Meet Your Unique Needs
  intro Video

Preparing For Your Business
Success With IT Solution

Our Services

Empowering Your Business with
Seamless IT Management

Seamless IT operations.
Harness the power of the cloud
Protect your business with advanced threat detection
Strategic technology planning, project management, and IT consulting
Turn data into actionable insights for informed decision-making
Voice of Clients

Client Feedback: Building
Trust, Delivering Excellence

Our goal is to help our companies maintain or achieve best- in-class
positions in their respective industries and our team works.

Choosing Fortray: Your Path to IT Excellence

Proven Expertise
Customer-Centric Approach
Innovative Technology
Reliable Support
Local Insight, Global Perspective
Future-Ready Strategies

Meet the Minds Behind
Our Success

Explore the collective expertise of Fortray Global Services' core team.
Mazhar Minhas
James Butt
IT Cyber Security Consultant
Qadeer Hussain
IT Security Consultant
Farooq Zafar
IT Support Manager
  • Get a Free Consultation

  • Contact us to discuss your needs further by calling
    +44 20 7770 9545 to speak to Fortray IT specialist.

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